Wednesday, December 22, 2010

We Call Her Linus

Rylee is quite the piano genius. This past year she will sit down, make up a song on the piano, name it and remember it days later. It's a beautiful thing. She wrote a song for Alexie and EVERYTIME she starts crying she plays her song "Baby Sleeping". With blue blankie always by her side, we call her Linus.


Deb Peabody said...

Wow! She has a natural talent but with you and Chris for parents not a huge surprise. It will be fun to watch through the years and see how God uses that for His glory. She is so darling!! Favorite part was her "notes" she followed LOL

Rebekah said...

Wayda go Rylee! Amazing ... but not surprising. Aidan wanted to know how a 4 year old could possibly do that, lol! =)