Friday, January 07, 2011

A reminder I'm being watched

6:00pm- Enter Chris.
6:01pm- Tara asks Chris what time do you need to leave for you next mtg? Chris says 6:30 why?
6:02pm- Tara leaves.
6:03pm- Chris says to Taylor, "Taylor now think like an adult for a second...."
(that's all she ever does so it wasn't hard) "Taylor think like an adult what would make mommy want to leave as soon as I got home?"

Taylor, "Well Lexie has been crying like ALLLLL DAYYYY and at one point mommy yelled "I just don't know why your crying!!"

Chris, "Say no more."

Taylor, "Oh and then Trevor & Rylee snuck a bowl of cereal and spilled right before lunch time and didn't ask mom".

Chris, "Say no more."

Taylor, "Then there was the spider...

Chris- "Say no more."

...that crawled out of the sheets you brought in from outside this morning. She kept trying to kill it with her shoe but it wouldn't die. I was like hand me lexie mom."

Chris- "Uh oh. Say no more."

Taylor- "Oh and right before you walked in Lexie pooped all over mommy and her brand new shirt. She had just taken a shower too."

Chris- "..." you get the point.

Wow I forgot how challenging, in midst of the joy, it is to have a baby again. I'm happy to say my 25 min. drive of crying, I mean praying, did me good and I had enough grace to finish the night off. Chris and I had a good laugh at how well Taylor was able to recount my day to him. A very good and sobering reminder that I'm being watched.


Andrea said...

wow. i just have to say - praise God for giving you Mommy Jr (aka Taylor) during this season as well. :) praying for you friend!

Jessica said...

Your story is so familiar in so many ways. It made me laugh and cry a little for you.