I've come back to this little blog a few times over the course of this year. It's been fun to look back. See in just a few short months another school year will finish up and I will start preparing for the next. The next just about blows my mind. I'll have one starting high school, another will have his first year in middle school, another will start her last year of elementary school and the baby- that baby will be starting Kindergarten. Suddenly the years of giving birth, sleepless nights, runny noses, endless why questions, temper tantrums, it'll all be behind me. Ok temper tantrums just change it's form. I was reminiscing with Chris today and we figured that from now till when our baby is 18 is a shorter amount of time then what we've been married. What?! How in the world can that be?!
So weary young mom don't lose heart. Fight for joy. Soak in that smell of a fresh clean little baby head, take deep breathes through the mess of a house, and just do what you can to survive and love those little faces cause one day you too will see that what they say is true. Time just keeps on moving by. Sometimes slower then we'd like, other times faster but once you're out of the slower you look back and think- wow, that really, truely, did fly by. And I gotta say, for as crazy busy as it is, I'm absolutely loving this new season with my kids.
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