Well if you check the date of my last post, September 2013, it's been about a year. And I'd say it's been about that long to process sending two of my kids to a charter school versus our prior six years of homeschooling. I know right?! Glad you aren't me! If there's anything I've learned over my 35 years of life is that it takes me a LONG time to process. So sad really. I feel even more pity for my husband. However, as I try to get quicker and more knowledgable at rehearsing and preaching the Gospel to myself, my processing time speeds up. This year was just a new way and a new opportunity to learn how to do that.
It's been so good for my soul! My righteousness is in Christ alone. So freeing! I am just as loved this year handing my beautiful children over to capable teachers for a few hours during the week, as I was last year when I chose to keep them home!
This year was incredible. I was blown away in every aspect by the quality of teachers at this school, the curriculum choices, and most importantly the growth I saw in Trevor & Rylee. I can now appreciate why there are thousands of kids on the wait list for this charter school. That doesn't include other locations for this charter school! Trevor and Rylee LOVED school. Like, never once did they ask to not go, can we please stay home, type of love for school. Their love for learning increased. They grew in responsibility and character. This year was truly sent from God.
Both Trevor and Rylee ended up with sweet christian teachers. Trevor go so attached to his teacher that he invited/begged her to visit our church. To which she came, twice. She has since moved to Texas to help get this same charter school started there. She confided in me that Trevor was one of her favorites to have in class. My SON, MY SON, a teacher's favorite. He was a leader in all positive aspects of the word this year. He took his studies VERY seriously. Studying late into the night and waking early in the morning to put forth extra effort. Not because he had to but because he wanted to. WHAT?! The kid I could barely get out of bed for school is dressed, ready, homework done, often a 30 minutes before it's time to leave. Crazy. I tell you this teacher was a gift to me and to Trevor. We are blessed that this school looks at the child as a whole person. One observation she had for Trevor was his need to grow in humility. Not really a new category for him ;) However he totally took her observation to heart and asked to pray and do a bible study with Chris on what humility looks like. Trev still has a way to go but there is growth!
Rylee had a precious teacher. She was just perfect for her. Rylee excelled too academically. I was nervous because her birthday falls right at the cutoff. Something that never matters when it comes to homeschooling. I was encouraged to see her keep pace and even excel in class. She is a eager learner and she too loved school! Rylee joined a choir club this year! The specials at this school are incredible. They are singing in latin, german, impressive harmonies! Really much to be grateful for. Rylee made a special friend this year in class and her family has become special to ours. They have also been attending Grace! Her mom is seriously talented in many realms. One being cake making! A cake is in the works for Rylee that I will post.
Taylor and I had a great year at home. She joined a High School British literature class with some friends from church and rocked it as a 6th grader. She started a Latin skype class too! Her acting abilities were put to the challenge when she was given, not one, but two leads this spring! She is pretty much amazing. We are waiting to see what the Lord has in store for her this year. She is currently #4 on the wait list for the school Trevor and Rylee go to. We could get called any day or well, we will just have another awesome year here at home. I selfishly want her at home with me. I want her to never leave me. If she gets married I'll build a little house, or I'll move to the little house and they can live with us. Just kidding. Sort of.
Then there's Lexie. Oh Lexie. Such a sweet, talkative thing. I've learned that I pretty much can't go anywhere "unpresentable". Yes I do that. Often. Don't judge. Not so much anymore. She strikes up conversations everywhere we go. Everywhere. She's such a cute little thing and impresses us with her ability for language and to make friends.
So here's my "insta" photo's. If I were to get my hard drive out to post photo's from my "real" camera this post will never happen. Pathetic.
Pick up time was my favorite part of the day!
The only day they could be out of uniform :) Dress up as your favorite classic character from a book day. Rylee is Charlotte from Charlotte's Web and Trevor is Peter from Chronicles of Narnia. Or maybe Edward. I forget :)
Field Trip Days:
Trevor's teacher/Miracle Worker
Trevor's class encouraged the students to fill out virtue cards for one another. Trevor came home with like 50+. Back to the humility thing right...
Rylee knocked her two front teeth in half this year. Note to self if you see your child trying to jump rope with a sheet and you think to yourself that's not smart. Say it immediately. Don't even think it. I was to late :( Her sweet friend I mentioned brought over the most beautiful roses the next day to say she missed her at school.
Taylor as two leads :)
An award she won!
Taylor basically helps to keep me sane. God knew she needed to be home this year to make me laugh or maybe someone to laugh at me. Regardless it was helpful :) Here's a little text preview I'm the one in blue...
And Lex.
Oh and here's a picture of the cake my friend made for Trevor. Insane. Even more insane is her neighbor's son works at the Bears Stadium and was able to get a signed mini helmet from Brandon Marshall for the top of the cake! WHAT?!?!
See it's good to look back. I did it. God's grace was all over this year. It was there when I was on the floor crying for days cause I sent my kids off to school and felt like a failure. It was there through friends and a husband who kept pointing me back to Christ through all my struggles! It was there through broken teeth getting fixed. It was there while Grace Church grew and worked hard at ministry... this year without our worship leader. Meaning Chris lead worship and preached nearly every Sunday. Glad to have you back Bischof's! God's hand was all over the place and I'm grateful. Very grateful.
I finished a blog post.