Sunday, January 21, 2007

Bears Are Going To The Super Bowl!

This year I have been intentionally getting more into football because it is something my husband LOVES. He knows I do better if I can get into a team so of course I adopted his favorite team "DA Bears". Little did I or he know that this would be there year they would go all the way to the super bowl. It's been 21 years since they've made it that far! It was an exciting day. Trevor, in keeping with tradition, sported his bears jersey again today. We are trying to get him into football but the conversation went something like this. "Trevor, say GO BEARS." Trevor would reply " Trains". Trevor say "HUT,HUT" Trevor again "Train track". Oh well he has plenty of time to grow into loving football like his daddy.

1 comment:

anne said...

yee-haw! GO BEARS! :)