Wednesday, August 19, 2009


This week my baby turned 3. What a joy Rylee Grace is! She is a bundle of energy, athletic, extremely tough, yet still has a girly side. She loves playing with her baby dolls & dress up like a princess with Taylor. She will pull you close and whisper something inaudible in your ear, then pull away and laugh! You end up laughing with her because her laughter is infectious. She is tenderhearted, always wanting to pray for someone when they are hurt. She'll fold her little hands and scrunch up her eyes tight to pray. And although it was her birthday, she gave her mom a nice present too :) The Daukas' home is officially diaper free!

Rylee is beautiful, quite stunning I think. But to appreciate Rylee is to know her high pitch voice. The other week Chris was playing guitar in his office and Rylee came in wanting to sing with him. They started doing this back and forth thing and Chris hit record. I'm so glad he did! I'll treasure this little voice for a lifetime!

The first song is one Chris wrote for a children's scripture cd our church put out a few years back and the second is God of This City. It was used in a sendoff video for our church plant team. I think Rylee has watched this video close to 50 times :)


Jessica said...

Thanks for sharing. I still think of the "hi guys" we'd get every morning in Florida. So sweet. I love the voice. Happy Birthday to our little friend!

Rebekah said...

That put a big 'ol smile on my face! Happy birthday sweet Riley girl. The Kurths miss that voice of yours!

Tiffany said...

so sweet!