Sunday, April 23, 2006


I recognize that my posting has been quite infrequent these past few weeks and I'm here to tell you it's not going to get much better :-) This is a really exciting/busy month. I leave tomorrow for California. The Pastor's wives from our church are going on a retreat for four days while our husbands attend the Together For The Gospel conference. I have been looking forward to this trip for awhile now and I'm sure it will be full of making fun memories together! When we get back my brother's wedding will be just around the corner. There will be showers to throw, dresses to get fitted (Please Lord let my dress fit me:-)), out of town family to entertain and lots of praising God for his faithfulness! So.... in the midst of all this I am trying to fight off my tendency towards self-sufficiency and throw myself into God's word even more. It's so easy for me to look at a busy month like this and have an attitude of "ok this is all that needs to get done, I'll get it done" Then I'm off to the races totally unaware of how utterly helpless I am without the Lord. I have been meditating on the Lord as my helper & strength this month.

Verses like:
Ps 54- Behold, God is my helper (not sleep or a perfectly organized, flawless (haha) schedule)
Ps 59 I will sing of YOUR strength, I will sing of YOUR steadfast love... O my STRENGTH I will sing praises to you.
Ps 18:31 For who is God but the Lord? And who is a rock except our God.
Ps 20:7 Some trust in chariots & some in horses but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.

have all been very helpful in pointing my eyes back to Lord and keeping a low view of self and a high view of the Lord!

Have a great week friends! Look to the Lord for your strength & trust in His name alone!


Laurie said...

Enjoy your retreat. My hubby left today for Kentucky. Can I come to California with you? :)

Annalyn said...

Tara, thank you for being so open, and posting those verses - they were *so* helpful to read right now! Have a great time in CA!

Briana Almengor said...

I was looking for Ps. 20:7 the other day and couldn't remember the reference. Thanks for posting it here.