Monday, August 07, 2006

Make Room For Baby!

Alright it's time to get serious... no more putting off the baby to do list. She's on her way! Today and yesterday began some real preparations for this baby to be born. Bins have come down from the attic, THANK YOU LOVE, rooms are being prepped, some things will be purchased etc. I have gone back and forth with where to put her. Trevor's room, Taylor's room? Trevor & Taylor together? This is the first time that I have had a baby without having a nursery. We have officially grown to having more people than rooms. Trevor and the baby together has never been a great option. Trevor, has been our poor sleeper from the beginning and I'm not about to add to his sleeping problems by putting a baby in his room. I still can't say that our plan is perfect but we have decided to have her in our room for the first couple months than when she has settled into a sleeping pattern move her into Taylor's room. All this is background to say Trevor's room has turned from nursery to little boy this weekend. We moved the rocker to our room and packed up his baby blankets to make room for her pink ones in the changing table baskets. I now know why this task has been last on my list. Chris took the rocker out yesterday and immediately the tears began to flow. Just a little too much reality for this hormonal nine month pregnant women! My baby boy will no longer be the baby. I am aware of how precious time is & how fast it truly goes by with little ones, for the most part :-) Thankfully, Trevor hasn't seemed to mind one bit. I don't think I could handle him crying over the rocker with me. With the rocker gone it has opened up a space that we have filled with a train rug & a rescue power rangers station. He is all boy- he knew exactly what to do with these toys and has had a blast playing with all the cars. He's not quite sure what to do with rescue hero's station. I keep finding him on top of the toy but I have no doubt he'll figure it out as he grows. I have enjoyed the benefit of him playing in his room more often!

Here are a few pictures of his room & her crib all set up.


Spirit of Adoption said...

SO FUN! Any contractions??? How are you feeling?? She'll be here SOON!!!! Do you have a name....I may have missed that somehow or maybe ya'll aren't sharing ; )

Tara said...

I've had on and off contractions but nothing to exciting. I'm hoping to start seeing some "labor signs" by the weekend! We have a name but have been working on a spelling. At this point, you're right, I'll post it when she's born. Glad to hear you are doing well!

Patrick said...

How exciting! Even people on the other side of the world are praying for the safe arrival of your daughter! I pray that these last few days will be joyous ones for all of you. The baby crib is gorgeous. God bless you - we'll be watching your blog with great anticipation over the next week, as many others will be too, I'm sure! Blessings to you and Chris, Meg in Oz