Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Life As A Mom

This morning we had our first moms to moms meeting at our church. This is a meeting for mom's with children five and under that will be taking place once a month. We began with breakfast, heard a wonderful message on having a devotional life as a mom with young children and then discussed the message in small groups. I had the privilege of helping out with the creative aspect of the meeting. I just love doing things like this!! A few of you asked me for the words to the song we did, so here ya go, just as a side note this was meant to be funny. I don't seriously change 525,000 diapers etc. I really love being a mom and the last verse would more reflect my heart in being a mom to my kids. But hey it's good to laugh at ourselves sometimes :-)

Life As A Mom- lyrics by Kelli & Tara
Sung to melody of Season of Love; Rent Musical

525,600 diapers, 525,000 bottoms to wipe. 525,600 diapers – how many will I change in one life
up all night, with feedings, and crying- I need some coffee
no shower, no makeup, no reading- no time
With 525,600 corrections, how can I get them to obey every time
What about God? (Repeat) Life as a mom, My life as a mom

525,600 dishes, 525,000 things to get done, 526,600 messes
How can you measure the life of a wife and a mom

Soloist 2
With truths that you've learned, with God on your side
Live daily in His word with the Gospel in mind.

It's time now to sing out, though the job never ends
let's celebrate and cherish our life as a wife and a mom.
Remember our God! Remember our God!
Life as a mom.

525,600 memories
525,000 tears wiped away
525,600 kisses
I want to cherish every moment every day

And Glorify God…
And Glorify God

Life as a mom

Life has been busy this past week. I spent a good amount of time on finishing details of the above song, Chris left town for four days and I've had a slew of realtor's coming through our house- so basically I've been trying to stay sane :-) I feel like we've recovered from the weekend craziness and now I can't decide if I have really bad allergies or a cold. Nevertheless we've been having fun around here enjoying the beautiful weather and our cute kids. Taylor was able to watch the skit this morning with Chris. She has gone around here all week singing the song with me. She came home today and decided she wanted to write her own. I thought that was funny, a parody from a parody. She titled her song, Life as a Kid. It was more sweet than anything. She'd add in her own lines like "I love my mom and dad... life as a kid" It was very cute!



My mom is also a pastor's wife! We live in South Africa.

Really nice to hear your point of view.

I'm a Christian writer, and would love it if you could post your comments on my blog (want to hear your point of view) at:


Meg said...

Wasn't the Moms-to-Moms time wonderful? I loved it! It definitely gave me fresh vision and inspiration. And the group discussion time was great . . . just relating to others in the same season was encouraging & humbling!