Tonight we had a kindergarten graduation for Taylor. They've been working very hard on their program and surprise, surprise, Taylor volunteered herself for a speaking part. Which she did great at! Wow the year has gone by fast. She just turned six last Saturday and continues to be such a blessing to all who know her. There is evident grace upon her life. She loves to read the bible, and can now read it herself. She's memorizing scripture and will say beautiful heartfelt prayers at dinner time. She loves to be a big sister to Trevor & Rylee, constantly entertaining them and making them laugh. She is always asking how she can serve me throughout the day. Another thing we had confirmed for us at school is Taylor is indeed very bright. She loves to learn and picks up on concepts fast. Reading now at a 2nd grade level with her writing skills & math skills not to far behind. We have decided to homeschool her next year and I'm excited for the fall! She's already asking me to start the 1st grade. She's not even an hour out of graduation and she's wondering if we can start school at home on monday! I'm not quite as ready :-)
Thanks to the grandparents who came and enjoyed the show! Heni & Papa D scooted off before I could grab a picture :-)
We love you Taylor and continue to pray that you would fall more and more in love with the Savior, Jesus Christ!
Congratulations, Taylor! I can't believe she's already done with kindergarten. I'll pray for you and homeschooling...I know you will do great!
Kindergarten graduation - wow! Congratulations Taylor!! I can't wait to see where you go from here.
Love Auntie Jess
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