I love this little guy. He really is precious. He's a handful but absolutely adorable. I keep meaning to write down some of the funny /cute things he says... Here's a few to start jogging my memory.
Trevor hugging Chris and giving him a kiss... " Daddy I love you (pause) I break your head off"
Me to Trevor "Knock, knock"
Trevor " not right now mom I'm too tired"
Lately he'll say "actually" with pretty much any statement.
Me " Trevor time to come inside"
Trevor "Actually mom I want to stay outside"
During dinner he prays the sweetest prayers and it always has " Dear God, thank you for making everything, you made all things, you made everything, amen"
Yes Trevor God did make everything, including you- and he made you cute :-)
Aw! I love it... such a cute boy!
Okay, this might be a weird cyber-moment because I've never actually met Trevor, but, I can't believe how big he's getting! When I first started reading your blog, he looked like a toddler. Now he looks like an official Big Boy.
I think the haircut aged him :-)
I love the new 'do! Miss you guys!
I think he looks a lot like Chris in this picture, or maybe its just the haircut...
aaawwww! it's like when you were walking out of church today and i said to him:
"trevor - where you going?"
"I going home."
"wanna go home with ME?"
"no, maybe another day."
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