My friend Lory has been reading a book entitled Lives of the Three Mrs. Judsons by Arabella W. Stuart. After hearing her talk enough about it I knew this was the book I should take with me on vacation. How thankful I am for her recommendation and her lending me her copy. I finished this 250 page book in one week but the effects of it on my soul is still lasting. The Lord had already begun a work in me before this week of processing through how short this life is, how fruitless pursuit of wordly things are and my growing desire to see the lost around me become saved. This book not only capitalized on what God has been doing in my life but gave me a real picture of three women who literally left all earthly comforts for the sake of the Gospel. And did so with faith, joy & a deep walk with the Lord.
A look inside the book:
"Still, were it not for the support we derive from the gospel of Jesus, we should be ready to sink down in despondency in view of the dark and gloomy scenes around us. But when we recollect that Jesus has commanded his disciples to carry the gospel to the heathen and promised to be with them to the end of the world; that God has promised to give the heathen to his Son for an inheritance, we are encouraged to make a beginning, though in the midst of discouragement and leave it to Him to grant success in his own time and way."
There was this constant faith in their call. No matter the trials that came their way, and trust me there were more trials than I think I could bear under, I never once read- "We should've never come, this is too hard- where's the fruit?" No it was a steady constant- this is what God has called us to and He has given us his promises and He will bring about success.
" Oh Lord, here I am, thou has brought me to this heathen land, and given me desires to labor for thee. Do with me what pleaseth thee. Make me useful or not as seemeth good in they sight. But oh, let my soul live before thee, let me serve none but thee; let me have no object in life but the promotion of thy glory."
Only the promotion of His glory, not mine- that is what I long to be about.
Their passion to see lost burmah souls be saved from the wrath of God is evident throughout their mission.
"... and the conversion of this people, lie with weight on my mind and draw forth my heart in constant intercession. And I do confidently believe that God will visit this land with Gospel light that these idol temples will be demolished and temples for the worship of the living God be erected in their stead."
Finally their longing for Heaven is one that I too pray God would concrete in me. A place where all will be made right again, perfect communion with the Lord and precious loved ones that have gone before. I cried when the first wife passed away. To which my husband who was obviously not as entrenched in my book as I said to me "Well honey you knew she would die eventually, they had to get to the second wife." That was great for the tears. Anyway you feel their loss but also equally experience their hope.
When Mr. Judson lost his first wife, his son a few months earlier and his daughter six months after the loss of his wife he writes:
"No, she has her little ones around her, I trust, and has taught them to praise the source whence their deliverance flowed. Her little son, his soul enlarged to angel's size, was perhaps first to meet her at heaven's portals and welcome his mother to his own abode- and her daughter followed her in six short months"..."And when we all meet in Heaven- when all have arrived and we find all safe, forever safe and our Saviour ever safe and glorious, and in him all his beloved- oh shall we not be happy and ever praise him who has endured the cross to wear and confer such a crown."
So no, I'm not moving to Burmah or some other foreign country at the moment. But I am asking how I can live less like the world and more for Christ. In what ways can I deepen my walk with the Lord so I'm adequately prepared for any trials that come my way? I am asking the Lord to grow my love for the lost and give me opportunities to share the good news- may the Gospel light fall upon America in new and fresh ways! May idols of our country fall wayside so that "temples for the worship of the living God be erected in their stead"! And Lord may I always be willing to respond with faith to any call you place upon Chris & I. To say I recommend this book to you would be an understatement.
"A little while and we are in eternity before we find ourselves there let us do much for Christ!"
sounds great. i will have to buy it for our vacation in a couple weeks...
Thanks for the review. I'm always looking for new reads and this sounds wonderful!
one of my favorite books! thanks for posting those quotes, so provoking :)
OH! This sounds good!!! I might have to add this to my list! : ) Your thoughts of late have been similar to my thoughts of is but a vapor....may we live for the glory of One and may His Name be known to more on this earth because we lived!
OH How I loved that book! Such a good reminder!
Sounds like an encouraging read!! I'll have to check it out.
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