Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Lord is my portion

I read this devotional this morning from Grace Gems.

The Lord is my portion, says my soul; therefore I will hope in Him." Lam. 3:24

And oh, what a Portion is God! All that He is and all that He has is ours! Every attribute of His being is over us, every perfection of His nature encircles us, every pulse of His heart beats for us, every glance of His eye smiles upon us. We dwell in God, and God dwells in us. It is not the world which is our portion, but HE who made, upholds and governs the world. It is not the creature who is our portion, but the Lord of angels and the Creator of men. Infinite portion! illimitable power! immeasurable grace! boundless love! all-satisfying good! all, all is ours!

And what a Portion, O my soul, is Christ! A divine Christ, a redeeming Christ, a full Christ, a sympathizing, ever-present, ever-precious, ever-loving Christ.

Believer in Jesus! make the most of your portion. It is all-sufficient for all your need...Hope in the Lord, hope in adversity, hope in trial, hope against hope, for God in Christ is your present and eternal Portion. "The Lord is my Portion, says my soul; therefore I will HOPE in Him.

I love the line "Hope against Hope- for God in Christ is your present and eternal portion. What a freeing thing it is to live for the Lord and dwell on all that I am in Christ. In him I have a portion that is eternal!

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