Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Cold,Croup & Strep throat

What do these things have in common? All were apart of our vacation. Since being home you can now add stomach flu for me & Rylee. This is not to say there weren't any fun times inbetween the sickness starting off and getting worse. By God's grace there were! I reminded myself often "well they could be sick at home in 115 or here by the beach in perfect weather". But with an already short vacation it was such a disappointment to have all three kids get sick. We ended up coming home early and drove straight to the pediatric urgent care by our house. I was tempted to despair with thoughts like "this is it? Chris's vacation time is spent this way?" I'm still tempted to despair as he had taken the rest of the week off to work on house projects. I'm praying for a quick recovery so we can redeem some of the time left. Gods grace has been present throughout this week. Thankfully for most of the trip they were only sick enough to be in bad moods but still ok to go out and do things. It was only the last night where I was up with Trevor all night and Chris was up with Taylor, that it become obvious that we needed to get home. Thank you to all who have offered up help and brought meals. We are so thankful to be apart of this amazing church family at Sovereign Grace!

Here are some highlights from our California trip:
Beach highlights- Trevor loved the water. At first he was scared but Chris held him and took him out into the ocean and he laughed and screamed at every wave that crashed on him! Rylee liked the sand- she crawled all over trying to eat the sand and anything else she could find. It was cute but a little challenging. At one point I replaced the seaweed she kept wanting to chew on with beef jerky. That kept her occupied. Could also be the reason why she threw up later that night... I had gotten her a blow-up play pool but she would have nothing to do with it- way to much to explore. Taylor did great at usual. She had a whole day on the beach with the McKay girls. Some friends from our church, we stayed in their condo for the first night. They built a sand castle with her and played catch!

Other highlights-
*We saw lots of trains! There is a station in walking distance from our condo. Trevor was in awe of the fast trains that would fly by! A big bummer for me was we had planned to ride one with him on our last day but alas he was to sick.
*We had a great shopping day at the outlets. I had a lot of fun getting time, though not enough, with my sister-in-law Danae. I also got to see my cousin Corbin who lives in CA. She's planning her wedding and it was so fun to hear all the details. So great to see you Corbin! And of course I can't forget my cousin Michelle, who is local, but our kids don't get to play together all that often. I so enjoyed seeing the next generation of cousins play together.
* The weather is always a highlight in California. In AZ the weather reads "VERY HOT" everyday for months, whereas in CA it reads "Practically perfect in every way!" We spent nearly all of our time outdoors playing or walking the boardwalk.
*There was an afternoon where live music was played on the green area of the resort. Taylor and I went out to listen and she decided to get out in the middle of the area and dance. She put on quite the show. She amazes me... my girl who gets shy in front of adults has no problem dancing for a big group of people she doesn't know. At one point this elderly couple came out and asked it they could dance with her. It was so sweet to see her hold hands with the couple and dance with them!
* Also Rylee cut two teeth while there!

So we'd appreciate your prayers for the remaining time of our vacation week here at home. Rylee and I are the last left to get well. Pray for continued health for Chris-he's the next in line to go down. When I can do more then sit in bed and type on Chris' laptop I'll post some pictures of our vacation.

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