Saturday, November 15, 2008


My kids grew up in some big ways this week. Rylee learned how to ride Trevor's tricycle early in the week, just in time for Trevor to inherit a bike from a neighbor. Then on Wednesday Taylor asked if we could take off her training wheels. Honestly I had my doubts my fearful daughter was ready, but she was determined. She would wobble, fall, I'd run alongside attempting to catch her. When I was ready to call it a night she'd get right back on the bike and pedal harder and faster. What joy it brought my heart to see her by the next afternoon riding up and down the streets like she had done this her whole life!

This week Rylee also learned how to... well I'll let you just see for yourself. But you might not want to let any toddlers still in cribs watch :-)

Yep, she came out to greet us thursday morning. It was quite the suprise! Let a new training phase begin.

**So I promise I won't let this turn into a video blog of my children :-) I have been trying out my parents flip camera and will be getting it back to them soon. But I can say I really like the Flip and it could make a great Christmas present for someone, someone like me :-)


CarrieLovesKeith said...

"Hi, camera!" So cute! And way to go, Taylor! I cannot believe how big they are all getting...

What's wrong with a video blog of my children????? :-)

oh, and I love the new Title at the top... man, I wish I had thought of that first. I want to put that on mine ;~) Maybe I'll say "Bad Mother, Good Savior" or something LOL

Tara said...

carrie you crack me up!!

"Bad mother, Good Savior" lol kind of like the new name of our church "providential mercies" apart of "sovereign grace" ministries ;-)

Heather@Cultivated Lives said...

I still have clear memories of learning to ride my bike w/out training wheels... It's so cool to see our children grow and develop new skills. well, most skills anyways...

Briana Almengor said...

Oh my goodness, rylee is too super cute. It must be the week for our kids growing up. I flipped yesterday when my 4 yr. old sons were drawing full stick figures with all the body parts in the right places. Might sound like no big deal, but for them it is. They literally went from scribbling semblance of any kind of object, person, thing to drawing stick figures with clothes on! Crazy.

Rebekah said...

Ummm, wayda go Rylie? Yeah, probably shouldn't say that! When you watch her do it, it looks almost scary/dangerous! No big deal for that kiddo. =)