Sunday, July 02, 2006

You Asked... 33 weeks!

Here is a pictures of me at 33 weeks for all my friends & family who don't get to see me in AZ. The pregnancy continues to go well! She is a very active little girl! You'll often find me saying "oh" in the middle of a conversation and watch as I try to push her feet back inside. She likes to kick me in the side right below my ribs. It really is amazing to watch your whole stomach shift from one side to another! Chris comments on my "alien" looking belly at night.

And this is how I usually look, one sitting on top of the belly and the other following to either the side or behind :-) Here Trevor is giving me one of his wet kisses!

Countdown continues!


Anonymous said...

Ah, you look great!

Spirit of Adoption said...

You are SOOOO CUTE pregnant!!!!!! I don't know what you are talking about a growth spurt - I don't see it ANYwhere!!!! You are ALL TUMMY....which is ALL BABY!!! : ) You look absolutely beautiful! And the time is NEAR!!!

anne said...

all belly...LUCKY! You are too cute! Almost there!!!! HOORAY!